Every single bill that is presented to the House or Senate is referred to a committee, which then refers the bill to an subcommittee. The subcommittees hold hearings and conduct research and investigations into the bill and its details. Once the committee agrees upon it then referred back to the House for debate and passage. On the floor of the House, members who oppose the bill may try to stop the bill from being passed in a number of ways. which would discourage continued pursuit of the bill, or by adding completely unrelated and completely undesirable amendments that may force the President to veto the bill
The Sherman Act authorized the Federal Government to institute proceedings against trusts in order to dissolve them. Any combination “in the form of trust or otherwise that was in restraint of trade or commerce among the several states, or with foreign nations” was declared illegal.
One reason is that they moved to practice their own religion.
I know its not alot but hope it helps :)
After the American Revolution, rich white men wrote the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution, but there are several groups in America who were not granted equal rights to this. Groups of people who were not white, rich, women, Jews, Moslems, African-Americans, Native Americans, and poor white men were not considered "equal" in America in the year 1776.
G E Howard save that History is past Sociology, Sociology is present History. Radcliffe brown said that Sociology is nomothetic while Hstory is ideographic