Ida B. Tarbell was an essential investigative journalist.
Besides being a journalist, Ida B. Tarbell was an American writer and a lecturer. She lived during the late 19th century and also during the oil boom. Furthermore, <u>she was one of the pioneers of investigative journalism and she mainly spent her life investigating about the oil industry</u> and advocating for world peace. One of her most famous works is <em>The History of the Standard Oil Company,</em> where she confrontates and exposes John Rockefeller's practices.
the answer is A. Amarillo
I would strongly suggest indaba. It allows each country to be heard and they can come to a conclusion quickly. They can only voice their opinion in a certain way. A country gives their Red Line in a diplomatic way and the other can respond with their hard limits.
La principal razón por la cual la economía exportadora de América Latina repuntó después de la Primera Guerra Mundial fue el hecho de que, tras la guerra, los centros de producción de materia prima de Europa habían quedado destruidos o gravemente dañados. Ademas, las potencias europeas no podían focalizarse en la explotación de sus colonias en África, dado que debían primero reestablecer sus economías internas.
Esta situación generó que los países del único continente en el que no se había desarrollado el conflicto, América, se convirtieran en los principales productores de materias primas a nivel global. Así, países como Argentina, Brasil o México se convirtieron en los principales proveedores de granos y carnes de las grandes potencias europeas, principalmente Gran Bretaña y Francia.
Answer: B
The answer is an era of relative peace, with significantly less warfare in the world
In an era of relative peace, a country will much more likely to allocate all of its budgets into human skill development, welfares, and resource management.
This will open a lot of opportunity for career advancement and business development, which will lead to rising global economy.