A cultural historian would get, by interviewing unemployed people during the Great Depression, B. The names of specific people who were unemployed and D. Stories about the experience of being unemployed.
This is because such historian would be doing microhistory, gathering information and stories about people directly from the source, while the economic historian would be doing macro-history, not paying attention to individuals.
The two most radical Republicans during the Reconstruction was Charles Sumner and Thaddeus Stevens
Alien Act
If the crossword has 8 spaces (or 8 letters that can be put) and 2 words, try alien act. It matches the description and it fits 8 letters and two words.
1.Chester graduated from Union College in New York in 1848.
2.He worked to increase funding for Indian education.
3. His dad was a clergyman.
4.He was named for the doctor who delivered him - Chester Abell.
5.He was once the president of the New York Arcade Railway Company.
6. His first son died suddenly when he was only three years old.
7. His wife died of pneumonia the year before he became president.
8.He was in the habit of staying up until at least 2 a.m. every night.