Я ничего не знаю, потому что я сумасшедший. Я сумасшедший, потому что мои друзья сумасшедшие.
im in hardvard universtity dont cheat and get good grades if you want to go here
This question is actually based from "Ideals of Human Excellence and Preserving Natural Environments" which was written by Thomas E. Hill. Based on his example as stated here, what the rich, eccentric man do to his yard after buying a new house were covering the yard with asphalt and cutting down the avocado tree. Hope this helps.
protuberances - example
avarice - antonym
inundation - definition/explanation
The type of context clue that helps the reader determine the meaning of the word protuberances is example. Following the word protuberance is a list of protuberances: "rocks, bushes, and ledges". These are all examples.
For avarice, the context clue used is antonym. Initially the speaker says he's going to be generous, but then he uses the signal word "instead" to show that avarice is a contrast to generous. Avarice is greed.
The word inundation is further defined or explained when the rest of the sentence explains the water flooding streets and basements.