Descriptive research
Descriptive research is a research method that describes the characteristics of a population that is being studied. It focuses on what phenomena rather than why phenomena. It describes the nature of the phenomena. It is also called observational research. It refers to the research question, descriptive analysis of the study.
It can be of certain types such as:
- Qualitative research
- Uncontrolled variables
- Cross-sectional study
- The basis for further research
Uses of such research areas:
- Define respondent characteristics
- Measure data trends
- Conducts comparison
- Validating adjusting condition
- Conduct research at different times
Research methods are
- Observation method:
- Quantitative
- Qualitative
- Case study
- Survey
Psychological factors affecting medical conditions
It is a disorder that is diagnosed when a general medical condition is adversely affected by psychological or behavioral factors; the factors may precipitate the medical condition, inhibit treatment, or add to morbidity and mortality
Viruses are usually nano meters in size, and their structure is best viewed through the use of electron microscopy.
they are the right to vote, the right to carry a firearm, and the right to vote.