B) The first paragraph discusses the idea that Americans are united as one despite their difference.
Quindlen portrays a unified American facing a shared adversary, despite their differences. But the second paragraph portrays actions of bigotry that make it difficult to embrace and comprehend their unity.
A short-beaked common dolphin
I think F is the colorectal way to write the sentence. Hope this helps!
Have you ever watched a dull movie? Have you been bored watching the teacher present slides? Well imagine the teacher presenting every single slide, and each slide has over 1000+ words. Yeah, you would be bored. This is why using the main idea in a presentation is needed; it prevents long slides that could take hours to finish, but it shortens the slide to a point where it can be easily understood without unnecessary detail.
Thesis statement for given essay topic on Parents should talk to kids about drugs at a young age
essay. All essay must include; Introduction that includes a thesis statement, background information on topic, your position on topic with supporting evidence, counter argument with supporting evidence and conclusion.
Are video games actually to blame for kids' desires to act out violence?
Do extracurricularessay. All essay must include; Introduction that includes a thesis statement, background information on topic, your position on topic with supporting evidence, counter argument with supporting evidence and conclusion.
Are video games actually to blame for kids' desires to act out violence?
Do extracurricular