Four feet in a line of poetry, six feet in a line of poetry, etc. is talking about the meter. Therefore, hexameter is a six feet line of poetry. Tri- would be three, and octo- would be 8. Rhyme is repetition in sounds. The differences between true and slant: slant means the lines end in similar, but NOT IDENTICAL sounds whereas true would be identical. Rhythm is the stressing of syllables. Syllable is a word or part of a word, and to mute would be to soften.
The problems Laurie experiences in his start in kindergarten are rooted in a lack of impulse control. His problems escalate from the first behavior of "being fresh" with the teacher. He hits both teachers and students, is disobedient, yells during quiet time, stamps on the floor, and throws chalk.
Option B
In the first step in the communication process is the sender encoding the message and selecting the transmission channel.
It can be "Amy plucked a red, juicy apple from the tree and gobbled it up."