Roman colosseum: the Roman colosseum is a structure that was built to be a source of entertainment, it hosted fights and animal hunts. (Fact1) the grand finale they would fill it with water and host staged naval battles. (Fact2) it could hold up to 50,000-80,000 people.
Munera: its a type of “sport” as what could be considered”gladiatorial games”. (Fact1)it also could have been a funeral celebration (fact2) it was typically sponsored by the elite
Venatio: it means hunting. It was a type of entertainment that was in the colosseum. (Fact1) they would have hippos and rhinos and times (fact2) there were games where 11,000 animals would die.
Gladiator: a “man” (could also be a woman fighting too) trained to fight with weapons. (Fact1) they were typically brought in to the colosseums in chains. But some did volunteer to do it. (Facts2) sometimes emperors would play in the staged entertainment in the colosseum like the naval battles
1. Biology: is the scientific study of life. It is a natural science with a large reach yet contains some unifying concepts that bring it together as a single, cohesive topic.
2. A biography: is a thorough narrative or account of a person's life.
3. autobiography: the biography of oneself recounted by oneself.
4. Biographee: The individual whose life is written about.
Bios: Organic nature among plants and animals.
Biosis: The manner of existence among living beings; liveliness.
If its preheat you don't change heat
Context clues are words that are used to help understand and define certain difficult words used in an article or story. Types of context clues include: Explanation, Restatement, Personal Experience, and Derivation or Inference.
Ozymandias thought so highly of himself that he had this statue built with that inscription to intimidate anyone who might come near it. He meant for it to be a warning to not try and invade or attack, the despair part is meant to be the person despairing because they could never be as great as Ozymandias.
The meaning is twisted though, as the statue crumbles with time showing that all leaders -- especially those who value themselves so highly--will fall.