the answer is C specialization
<h3>not heard by, ordered by, or otherwise involving a judge a nonjudicial</h3>
Discuss Alexander Hamilton's economic/financial policy ideas for the new government. Be sure to discuss Hamilton's ideas of the purpose of government and his political philosophy. Be sure to discuss Hamilton's three reports, the policies advocated in each, and the results of his overall program. How did this affect developments of constitutional interpretation? What did this have to do with the developing political parties? What did this have to do with securing the nation?
The major similarity between these two documents is that both reflect the idea that there should be limitations on the power of the government. This is an important idea that is one of the major bases of our entire system of government today. The major difference between the two is the degree of democracy that they contemplate. The Magna Carta is really meant as a contract between the king and his nobles, giving the nobles guarantees against the king. By contrast, the Declaration of Independence is a call for equality and rights for all people (or at least all white men). This means the Declaration is far more democratic than the Magna Carta.