On 6 August 1856, Jang Bahadur Kunwar was conferred the title of Maharaja of Kaski and Lamjung, two former hill principalities, by King of Nepal, Surendra Bikram Shah.
Explanation: what he said was true i mean look at it now anyone who has a political view gets bashed i mean no one can have a opion anymore and look now if someone caches u with politics the don't agree with then they come and attack you for it.
Chiến tranh Lạnh giai đoạn 1985 tới 1991 bắt đầu với sự nổi lên của Mikhail Gorbachev trở thành lãnh đạo Liên xô. Nó chấm dứt cùng với sự sụp đổ của Liên bang Xô viết năm 1991.