They use multiple techniques to help children.
helthcare systems, aviation, entertainment, retail, etc
ICT has made life easy, it has made an interconection accross the world. in the helthcare system, ICT has created a positive impact because now a days body check up is been made through computers.
in the aviation, we use computers to control the the traffic of airplanes.
HTTP means Hyper Text Transfer Protocol underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web(www).
usa is the server name which is used address in the DNS record
.gov is the Domain names which are used to identify more then one IP addresses
Agencies/federal.shtml a directory is a collection of file resources also called the resource ID.
Hatchback Original MSRP / Price Engine
Supra 3dr LB Auto $31,078 / $29,122 6 Cylinder
Supra 3dr LB Sport Roof Auto $35,648 / $32,842 6 Cylinder
Supra 3dr LB Sport Roof Turbo Auto $38,778 / $35,903 6 Cylinder Turbo
Supra 3dr LB Sport Roof Turbo Manual $40,508 / $37,362 6 Cylinder Turbo
An internal node is a node which carries at least one child or in other words, an internal node is not a leaf node.