C. private ownership and free markets
Fighting in a war will leave you with tragden memories and people shouldnt judge you off the color of your skin.
1.) In a variety of delegations, Taft advocates maneuvered to replace Roosevelt delegates with Taft delegates. Republican Progressives declined to vote and founded the Democratic Party, a new third party. Roosevelt was nominated for President.
2.) Strikes, peaceful picketing, boycotts, and collecting strike benefits were all made legal.
The German government issued The Sussex Pledge that basically told the U.S. that they were going to change their policies on navel war.
Conditions before the Industrial Revolution were terrible. Child mortality was high and the children who survived, barely had enough to eat. You see, because of The Little Ice Age, agriculture was terrible. And before the revolution, most of Europe was agriculture based. The lack of food made people stunted and killed many. The food that could be harvested, were taxed and there was almost no profit.