What beliefs are shared by most Christians check all that apply a)all people are weak to one another B)all people are imperfect
c)people may worship multiple gods D)Jesus was the son of god E)all people have a duty to help one another F) the teaching of Jesus are the word of god G)it is better to receive than to give
There is a more or less shared core of beliefs and doctrines among different Christian groups, although some of these doctrines are not accepted by all. In that nucleus is:
That God is one and, at the same time, three different persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19) with different missions; the doctrine of the Trinity is accepted by most Christians today, but not by all, and is controversial since the beginning of Christianity;
That God the Father created and preserves the universe by his Word, the Word, without whom nothing was made of everything that was made (John 1: 3);
That God the Father revealed himself to men from the beginning and cared for the human race to give eternal life to all those who seek salvation through perseverance in good works (Romans 2: 6-7);
Who spoke to the conscience of our ancestors on different occasions and in many ways through the prophets, and who in the final stage spoke for his Son (Hebrews 1: 1-2), Jesus Christ, true man (Jesus of Nazareth), Word of God made flesh (John 1:14), which brings to its fullness the action of the Father on behalf of humanity;
That it was Jesus Christ who revealed the true nature of God, calling God "his Father and our Father" (John 20:17) and announcing the coming of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1: 8), the Spirit of God, the Spirit of truth (John 16:13), the same one who moved him and who made his witnesses his apostles.
<em>According to G00GLE, and I quote*: " The Minnesota Supreme Court's canon of judicial conduct prohibiting candidates for judicial election from announcing their views on disputed legal and political issues violates the First Amendment. "</em>
<em>* </em><em>thanks to Cornell Law School for the awesome answer, all credit due there. </em>