Manipulation of information where the authoritarian regimes use data as a means of control. They develop a performance of good appearance and concealing any state resistance, thus excluding reliance on violent means, thus facing less resistance.
An economy where democratization results from the increased economic development.
Interactions with other elites and the masses where more important authoritarian rule establish in one area and there is no chance to protest from elites and the groups. The dictatorial regime oppresses the minority.
Violence - mostly, dictators use violence because of their lust for power and control over important resources.
Abuse of the constitution in authoritarian regimes where the governments had total power to coordinate all government activities. Here the public can not exercise democracy.
Louis XVI´s decision to summon the estates-general prove disastrous because during it, the Third Estate , representing the Commoners decided to form a National Assembly, inviting the other two Estates ( Clergy and Nobility) to join them against the King. This is considered to be the start of the French Revolution.
The word Vietnam is derived from two Chinese words meaning "the Viet kin in the South". Traditionally, the people of Vietnam have been regarded by westerners as staunchly xenophobic, and, as such, have been viewed as having a long standing contempt for Chinese influence on the region. Border and island disputes have only exacerbated long-standing tensions between the two nations. Vietnam and China share many common cultural traditions which originated from the wet rice cultivation. China controlled Vietnam for about 1000 years, a rule which ended in 939CE. Thus, Vietnamese culture, writing, politics, religion, etc. were sinicized to a a certain degree. Yet the degree to which Vietnam preserved a distinct identity and maintained separate traditions should also be noted. During the 1st and 2nd Indochinese Wars, Vietnam grew closer to PR of China and received some funding, material, and advisors from the PRC. However, war with China in 1979 renewed hostilities. the reason why Vietnam and china are close because is that they are both communism country, there isn't much comminusim country left in the world
Mafia organizations are more of a threat than terrorist groups because they modify democracies from within by introducing their illicit earnings into the legal economy. Their businesses defeat the competition because, by counting on these illegal parallel markets, they can lower their prices. Mafia assets also finance the banking, construction, and transportation sectors of the economy.
In ancient Greece, the art of music, represented by the Muse Euterpe, thrived. Plato, Aristotle and downstream philosophers believed that music played a vital role in the formation of personality. Because of that, musical education was considered to be an essential element of children education.