the idea of duty, or what people should do
Answer: A
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Answer: Both authors describe death as a spiritual rebirth, a new beginning.
In his poem <em>"Song of Myself"</em>, Whitman argues that <em>“…to die is different from what any one supposed, and / luckier.” </em>He describes death as a return to life, a new beginning. In the poem, he explores the theme of mortality, reminding the audience that everyone must die eventually.
Emily Dickinson takes a similar viewpoint in<em> 712 "Because I Could Not Stop for Death"</em>. Death is personified in this poem, and takes a role of a gentle guide that accompanies the speaker on her journey from life to death. Death is not intimidating as people often think, and gives an impression that he cares about the speaker's feelings.
The monologue shows Lady Macbeth does not really believe her husband to be capable of achieving great things by himself. She believes that he needed some persuasion to achieve things.
William Shakespeare's "Macbeth" revolves around the story of how a general, Macbeth moved up to the throne of Scotland. The play deals with themes of betrayal, greed, good vs. evil, appearance vs. reality, ambition, supernatural influences, etc.
The given passage from Act I scene v shows Lady Macbeth reacting to her husband's letter. In the letter, Macbeth had written that he had been made the new Thane of Cawdor and she felt happy about the good news. But at the same time, she wants him to return fast for she believes he did not have the strong will to get what he wants. And so, she will 'talk' him into being brave and go after the things that will make him great.
This monologue shows Lady Macbeth does not really believe her husband to be capable of achieving great things by himself. She believes that he needed some persuasion to achieve things.