Chaotic and Wild.
"Hundreds of black adults crowded the park. “I could see reporters . . . I remember hearing a man saying, ‘They’re coming out! They’re coming out!’ There were lights and people all around.”
That is very chaotic and wild
“How did Faulkner pull it off?” is a question many a fledgling writer has asked themselves while struggling through a period of apprenticeship like that novelist John Barth describes in his 1999 talk "My Faulkner." Barth “reorchestrated” his literary heroes, he says, “in search of my writerly self... downloading my innumerable predecessors as only an insatiable green apprentice can.” Surely a great many writers can relate when Barth says, “it was Faulkner at his most involuted and incantatory who most enchanted me.” For many a writer, the Faulknerian sentence is an irresistible labyrinth. His syntax has a way of weaving itself into the unconscious, emerging as fair to middling imitation.
While studying at Johns Hopkins University, Barth found himself writing about his native Eastern Shore Maryland in a pastiche style of “middle Faulkner and late Joyce.” He may have won some praise from a visiting young William Styron, “but the finished opus didn’t fly—for one thing, because Faulkner intimately knew his Snopses and Compsons and Sartorises, as I did not know my made-up denizens of the Maryland marsh.” The advice to write only what you know may not be worth much as a universal commandment. But studying the way that Faulkner wrote when he turned to the subjects he knew best provides an object lesson on how powerful a literary resource intimacy can be
When I was 13 I had a dog as a birthday present it was a girl and we named her coco. She went everywhere with me we did everything together by the time I was 16 she was old and slowed down and we thought that was from old age. Coco had brain cancer we didn’t know what to do and we went to every vet in our state but nothing was helping. Coco pushed in for another two years till she passed.
I was so upset and devastated that I didn’t want another pet again but I got another dog a Great Dane named Sham rock he’d love coco they would fit in perfectly. Sham rock was the dog that brought me to love animals again and why I’m think about being a veterinarian when I grow up.
Honestly if the first chapter does not grab my attention, I do not want to read the rest of the book. I want to be interested in what I am reading. If it is something that I hate, obviously I will be miserable reading the book.
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