Well, it's not the Ku Klux Klan, as that was a large group of people who wanted to have slaves all return to their work, I've never heard of C, and we barely touched on D in school. From what I've learned, however, the Freedmen's Bureau helped former slaves by supplying food, providing education and homes, etc.
A major cause of the Enlightenment was a renewed interest in nobility the Scientific Revolution
A lawmaking body with a single house of elected representatives
was the founder and first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, which became the largest contiguous empire in history after his death.
Common Sense
Common Sense
was an instant best-seller. Published in January 1776 in Philadelphia,
nearly 120,000 copies were in circulation by April. Paine's brilliant
arguments were straightforward. He argued for two main points: (1)
independence from England and (2) the creation of a democratic republic.
Paine avoided flowery prose. He wrote in the language of the people,
often quoting the Bible in his arguments. Most people in America had a
working knowledge of the Bible, so his arguments rang true. Paine was
not religious, but he knew his readers were. King George was "the
Pharaoh of England" and "the Royal Brute of Great Britain." He touched a
nerve in the American countryside.