Fuligo septica is a species of plasmodial slime mold, and a member of the Myxomycetes class. It is commonly known as the scrambled egg slime, or flowers of tan[2] because of its peculiar yellowish, bile-colored appearance. Also known as the dog vomit slime mold, it is common with a worldwide distribution, and it is often found on bark mulch in urban areas after heavy rain or excessive watering. Their spores are produced on or in aerial sporangia and are spread by wind.
Artificial Selection.
Natural selection progresses slowly & would take generations to complete while artificial selection may complete within days or weeks. This is because Natural selection is not as controlled as artificial selection.
C. Able to carry out all of the functions necessary for life.
An omnivore eats both plants and animals!
Badgers, pandas, raccoons, and dogs are examples of omnivores I think!