The correct answer is D.
None of the words in this excerpt needs to be explain since they can all be understrood through context.
The world "passé" may be in a foreign language and unfamiliar for some of the readers, but the sentence structure helps understand its meaning from context.
The word "markerspace" is described in the same sentence, and therefore does not need further explanation.
The phrase "staying power" may be new for some readers but its meaning can be easily deducted from the word choice and the context of the sentence.
Is this on the out siders i am reading that book right now
well when dally slaps he runs away and does not come back about from a couple days Oh nvm I get mix up dally and dallas
when they both they both get heart he hang out with the gang to get his mind of the fact his friends where heart
1) i dont have a fav song, i like a lot. one of my fav is, "something good by max + syd"
2) blue
3) dont have one
4) fall
5) playing guitar and making poems [aswell as reading]
7) 2 dogs, one cat
8) a chef
9) Friday
10) nightime lol
11) fall months or december
the earth goes around the sun
*clap clap*
the earth goes around the sun
*clap clap*
around and around and around and around
the earth goes around the sun
*clap clap*