DNA molecular weight standard controls, also known as DNA ladders
A DNA ladder is a molecular-weight size marker used to identify the size of the PCR products in a gel electrophoresis. The DNA ladder consists of a solution containing double-stranded DNA fragments with different molecular weights including, among others, 50 base pairs (bp), 100 bp, 1000 bp and 3000 bp DNA fragments. The concentration of each DNA fragment in the DNA ladder must be sufficiently high to be visualized on the electrophoresis gel.
-On the polar end or the hydrophillic end of the protein.
-Each amino acid has at least one amine and one acid functional group as the name implies. The different properties result from variations in the structures of different R groups.The R group is often referred to as the amino acid side chain.
-Side chains which have various functional groups such as acids, amides, alcohols, and Amines will impart a more polar character to the amino acid. Polar amino acids include serine, threonine, asparagine, glutamine, histidine and tyrosine.
Therefore; serine being a polar or hydrophillic amino acid will be found on the polar side chain of the protein.
not only in the land but also in the ocean there is food web that is why we can find different spices of creature in the ocean alive
there are producer consumer and decomposer
u can present by giving example
u can give oration how the organisms are adapted in the water
Glycolysis. Six-carbon glucose is converted into two pyruvates (three carbons each). ATP and NADH are made. These reactions take place in the cytosol.