1. deride: to put down or show contempt for a person
2. lambaste : to strongly criticize a person over decisions that have been made
3. scrounge : to beg or borrow things without being
able to pay them back
4. solvent : possessing enough cash to meet debts or expenses
There originally native from Africa
Yes, it is possible to balance the pursuit of private goods over public goods and this balance is a desirable goal.
The pursuit of private goods over public goods can be balanced with the help of various government policies and taxes. This balance is a desirable goal in order to maintain the economic growth of each strata in the society. It enables the below poverty line strata to have access to the basic necessities. Though private goods provide fast economic growth, public goods offer the wholistic growth of the economy.
c. im from there so its c and eather or a
Democracy, nationalism, and capitalism