<em>The action of something or someone speeding up.</em>
When something speeds up, it is accelerating.
Over subsequent generations will have more and more darker red beans and the population will, therefore, evolve towards higher dark red color allelic frequencies.
According to the question, more light red beans are eaten everyday compared to dark red beans. Therefore there are higher chances of dark red beans reaching reproductive age than light red beans. Consequnetly, dark red beans are more likely to pass down their genes to next generation than light red beans.
One of the main reasons why Bismarck wanted to control the territories of Alsace and Lorraine was mostly because both territories were plentiful and useful territories to have in any country as they were quite developed. It was also good for strategic reasons.
In his old age he became a communist and during the cold war it was just too tough to be a communist in the US. He went to Ghana after it became the first African country. DuBios has worked for African independence all his life, and was invited to enjoy it by Kwame Nkrumah, his old friend, and Ghana's first president.