Xenophobia is a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.
This is a violation to human rights because everybody has the right to there own religion. That's the first amendment.
A presidential veto happens when the president withholds his mark from a bill introduced to him, after it has been passed by both places of Congress, and returns it to Congress (particularly, to the place of starting point), alongside his protests to the bill.
The correct answer is cognitive dissonance.
Cognitive dissonance (CD) refers to a state or situation in which a person experiences feelings of discomfort that results from holding two contradictory thoughts, attitudes or beliefs. An instance of cognitive dissonance is the feeling a long-term smoker experiences when he reads an article about an increasing number of deaths due to lung cancer which is heavily caused by smoking.
egalitarian societies, both tribes and bands value qualities such as generosity, bravery, and leadership. However, they are liberal in leveling and preventing excessive gaps in perceived abilities or resources (Fried,1967).
do you have a picture i can see?