When Gabriel wakes up crying, Jonas pats his back while remembering a wonderful sail on a lake transmitted to him by the Giver. He realizes that he is unwittingly transmitting the memory to Gabriel and stops himself. ... The Giver transmits the terrible memory of a battlefield covered with groaning, dying men and horses.
1. Xenia (Hospitality): the fact that every guest must be welcomed and fed or you will be punished by the gods.
2. Loyalty: many examples of loyalty all through the book. loyalty between Odysseus and the gods and how he had to trust in them to keep him safe. loyalty from Penelope when she wouldn’t cheat or give up on Odysseus.
3. Vengeance: everyone received their own form of vengeance. Odysseus has the most obvious vengeance by coming home and killing all of the suitors that have been taking advantage of his palace.
He at first had a strong faith in god but then he started to lose faith