During colonial times, agriculture was the basis of society in
South Carolina. South Carolina’s economy, politics, and social
standing revolved around the institution of slavery. Large
plantations used the headright method and slave labor to work the
fields. By 1860, South Carolina had the highest percentage of
slaveholders in the nation, even though few slave owners owned
large plantations. Most South Carolinians lived on family or
subsistence farms and did not own slaves. The majority of slave
owners only owned one to two slaves and often worked in the field
beside their slaves.
Symbolic interactionism is a sociological theory that develops from practical considerations and alludes to people's particular utilization of dialect to make images and normal implications, for deduction and correspondence with others. In other words, it is a frame of reference to better understand how individuals interact with one another to create symbolic worlds, and in return, how these worlds shape individual behaviors. It is a framework that helps understand how society is preserved and created through repeated interactions between individuals. The interpretation process that occurs between interactions helps create and recreate meaning. It is the shared understanding and interpretations of meaning that affect the interaction between individuals. Individuals act on the premise of a shared understanding of meaning within their social context. Thus, interaction and behavior is framed through the shared meaning that objects and concepts have attached to them. From this view, people live in both natural and symbolic environments.
In this case the best answer would be reward hard work and patriotism.
Because it is the most correct one.
Describing in a correct way the advice given by Machiavelli.
.Prejudice is a term that describes a baseless, unjustified or incorrect attitudes, which is often negative preconception toward members of a group. Prejudice is associated with negative feelings, stereotyped beliefs, and a tendency to discriminate against members of a group.
For example, prejudice occurs, when an individual's views or perception towards a certain race or gender has been fixed generally, without considering each person of the group as a unique individual.
Hence, when avoiding a person because of the way they walk is an example of PREJUDICE