Let's do this in python. First we can set a placeholder variable to hold the first element of the array, then we can set that first element to the last element (5th) of that array. Then we set the last element of that array to the placeholder, which has value of the original first element of the array
placeholder = boroughs[0] # in python, 0 is the first element or arra
boroughs[0] = boroughs[-1] # -1 means the last element of the array
boroughs[-1] = placeholder
<span>TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority).
</span><span>Recovery-1933 program created to provide jobs. Built dams in order to generate cheap electricity and control flooding in TN, GA, AL, and KY. Sparked controversy because companies that provided electricity would now have to compete with the government. Eliminated flooding, gave thousands electricity for the first time, improved transportation and forced 15,000 families to move.</span>
The Corrections icon
In Office 2010, 2013, 2016, you can adjust the brightness, contrast, and the sharpness of a picture. This can be achieved by using the corrections tool. Assuming you already have the picture, click on it and on the Format tab, under the Pictures tools, in the Adjust group, click Corrections. Under the Sharpen/Soften or the Brightness/Contrast, you can click the thumbnails that you want to make adjustments.
In portrait the height is taller than its wide and in landscape the height is smaller than wide
so its the wider and taller