<h2>Direct to the maintenance department</h2>
Jane here works only in the Maintenance department. The work that he does supports both Production as well as Research. We can calculate the expenses, only by associating the department of the employee.
So, the wages should be directly associated to the maintenance department only.
We cannot add one cost to multiple department and it is not the right approach of accounting system. So the below becomes invalid.
<em>Indirect to the production department Direct to the research department Direct to the production department Indirect to the research department</em>
Answer: The correct answer is "3. platform project".
Explanation: This project is a platform project for Coolers Inc. because the change of voice sensors instead of remote controls or manual operations represents a change of platform for their products in which they have improved their technology.
The <span>Three outcomes which are the success, failure, and proficient are </span><span>not one of the four criteria for a geometric setting.
The criteria for geometric setting are:</span>
1. Each observation is subdivided into two categories: Success and Failure.
2. The probability of success remains constant for each observation.
3. The observations are always independent.
4. The variable of interest is defined as the number of trials required to obtain the first success.
Using Quantifiers: ¬∃x¬S(x)≡ ∀xS(x)
English Language: All drivers obey the speed limit
The domain is the set of all drivers i.e. the domain of drivers
Let S(x) be the predicate “x obeys the speed limit.”
The above statement can be written as ∃x¬S(x),
The negation is represented by ¬∃x¬S(x)≡ ∀xS(x)
In English Language, it is ->, all drivers obey the speed limit