The mean center of population is the place where an imaginary, flat, weightless, and rigid map of the United States would balance perfectly if all residents were of equal weight. Historically, the movement of the center of population has reflected the expansion of the country, the settling of the frontier, waves of immigration and migration west and south. Since 1790, the center of population has moved steadily westward, angling to the southwest in recent decades.
SOURCE: Geography Division, "Centers of Population Computation for the United States 1950-2010," issued March 2011, available at Consulted for historical reference: Historical Atlas of the United States, National Geographic Society, 1988.
NOTE: The Proclamation Line of 1763 limited British settlement to areas east of the Appalachian Mountains. Alaska and Hawaii were not included in the calculation of the mean center of population until 1950. Puerto Rico was not included in any decade. For more information on the mean center of population, an animated map, and other resources. This graphic is adapted from the "Census Atlas of the United States" published by the Census Bureau in 2007.
Kaolinite is an abundant clay mineral used for pottery
big braiiiiiin
1 - a
2 - e
3 - d
4 - b
5 - c
Horn can be simply defined as the pyramidal peak that is formed at the high elevated region that are mostly covered by ice. This is formed when the glaciers erodes three or more aretes.
Mass wasting refers to the downward movement of rocks, or broken fragments or sediments that are primarily caused due to the influence of gravity.
Moraine usually refers to the accumulation of sediments and rocks that are mixed with ice, and these are unsorted in nature and are deposited when these particles are carried downward by the movement of glaciers.
Striations can be simply defined as scratch marks or grooves that are formed when rock undergoes thrusting or faulting.
Talus is defined as the accumulation of broken rock fragments that are found at the base of a mountain or cliff.
Crystal size
The most obvious difference between extrusive rocks and intrusive rocks is crystal size. Because extrusive rocks cool quickly, they only have time to form very small crystals such as basalt or none at all. On the other hand, intrusive rocks grow larger crystals because they take longer to cool.