"The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights. Written by James Madison in response to calls from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties, the Bill of Rights lists specific prohibitions on governmental power."
I got this from a quizlet:) Check it out/reply if you need anything else.
2) Built
3) wrote.... expired
4) Saul has ridden his motorcycle to class every morning this year
5) Has won
6) meets
7) lost.... applied
8) is... has
9) Has overheated
10) Dwight is a veterinarian who treats mostly farm animals
Since they are free writes, lyrics from my two favorite songs:
1) Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love but I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it
Are you tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now but I swear
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here
2) I'm afraid that's just the way the world works
It ain't funny, it ain't pretty, it ain't sweet
But I think that it could work for you and me
Just wait and see
It's not the end of the story
The 4 possibilities are :
as you can see....
in conclusion ....
This question is incomplete, with insufficient information to supply a sufficient answer. Please PM me the full question, and I'll be more than happy to answer it!
Have a wonderful day! :)