In Ecuador it is traditional for people to burn effigies of their enemies<span> on New Year's Eve, to destroy the bad energy from the previous year and start the new year off with a clean slate...on which to write names of new enemies.</span>
This sentences might be complete in the following way:
"el tomate está al lado del vaso de jugo" This would mean that the tomato is next to the glass-
In the case of "encima de", it would mean that it is on the glass. "debajo de" would mean under the class. And if we say "entre", that would mean that we need another object to put the tomato in the middle because it meas "between".
<u>Some people want to be famous.</u>
Nouns require agreement in gender and number. Personas is feminine and plural, so "some" needs to be feminine and plural.
<u>No man wants to go to that movie.</u>
Hombre is singular and masculine.
<u>I don't know anything.</u>
"I don't know (lit. nothing) anything" vs. "I don't know something"
<u>I never read books.</u>
Words to describe how often something is done go before the verb.
<u>Some girls dance.</u>
M/F and # agreement
Llamar al dialogo con la finalidad de estudiar los antecedentes del conflicto y encontrar una solución justa para ambas partes.
Yo llamaría al dialogo y poder hacer una tarea de intermediario entre ambas partes en conflicto.
Dejar que los grupos resuelvan el conflicto lo mas probable es que los lleve a un conflicto bélico.
Al momento de hacer llamamiento al dialogo podríamos escuchar opiniones, preguntas y dudas de ambas partes para resolver el conflicto, además, seria el momento oportuno para aplicar la mayéutica, donde las partes podrían entenderse y conocerse mejor a través de sus mismas preguntas.