I would fold it to were you can cut it with scissors. Cut shapes out of the toilet paper roll middle to your satisfactory. Unfold the toilet roll thingy. You have a snow flake!
Explanation: The reason I would do it this way is because I use paper, fold it up, cut shapes out of it to my satisfactory, and unfold the paper. You could do the same with the toilet paper middle of roll thing!
off center
La Danza Ritual es una expresión cultural cargada de vivencias subjetivas, emocionales, al vivir la danza como manifestación espiritual, induce a rendir culto a ciertas energías protectoras, haciendo de la danza un acto estrictamente ritual
Garment labels provide the consumer with required information like the clothing's origins, what materials were used to make the garment, and the garments care instructions.
I hope I was able to help!!