Two similarities between the house of representatives and the senate are
- Both houses constitute elected representatives from the states
- Bothe houses make laws
Two differences between the Senate and the House of reps are
- Senate members must be 30 years or older while reps members must be 25 years or above
- senators have a define number from their states no matter the population of the states while reps members are elected based on the population of the state.
Seven roles played by the president includes the following
- chief of state
- chief executive
- chief administrator
- chief diplomat
- commander in chief
- chief legislator
- party chief
- chief citizen.
The two roles that give the president most power is the commander in chief and chief executive.
Judicial review is a process under which executive, legislative and administrative actions are subject to review by the judiciary.
the founding fathers created checks and balances in the constitution to ensure that at no point in time will one person or one set of people hold absolute power in a country.
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Cities were unable to keep up with the demand for services
King Herod I is your answer
hope this helps
The congress was very powerful at the time and needed to be put in line. The two branches were created to control it. The remaining two branches were not specifically enumerated as thoroughly because they were still weak at the time and their power developed over time.