<h2>B) Dionysus in 69</h2>
The Performance Group was a theatre group based in New York, it produced Dionysus in 69. TGP's founder and artistic director Richard Schechner directed and conceived the play. It was a site specific theatre that utilised the audience and space in such a manner as t bring them in close contact with each other. It challenged the orthodox theatre interpolating action and text devised by the audience, deconstructing Euripides text and involving the spectators in sensory and artistic experience.
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take the place of (a person or thing previously in authority or use); supplant.
for example: "the older models of car have now been superseded"
Las regiones o entidades donde hubo influencia de los caudillos Alvaro Obregón, Francisco Villa, Pablo González y Emiliano Zapata son: Álvaro Obregón: Tuvo su influencia en el norte del país, especialmente en el estado de sonora, también en Sinaloa, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara, Nayarit y la ciudad de México.
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a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt