The correct answer is A. At the My Lai Massacre, U.S. troops on a search-and-destroy mission to find Vietcong fighters killed at least 450 women, children, and elderly men
The My Lai Massacre was the mass murder of between 347 and 504 Vietnamese civilians on March 16, 1968, during the Vietnam War by troops from the United States Army. The majority of the victims were women, children and the elderly, some of whom were mutilated and some women raped before being murdered. Although initially 26 soldiers from the United States were allegedly charged for the events, finally only the officer William Calley was sentenced to a death sentence accused of killing 22 civilians, but served only three and a half years of house arrest.
Answer: A candidate must receive an absolute majority of electoral votes (currently 270) to win the presidency or the vice presidency. If no candidate receives a majority in the election for president or vice president, that election is determined via a contingency procedure established by the 12th Amendment.