we were asked to write answers with in ink
The reason why this can happen is because of the transformative journey that Jin Wang is on. At first, Jin Wang is ashamed of being Chinese, and wants to appear as white as possible. Wei-Chen is fully Chinese, and because of this, he is a foil, as he is a character that highlights the characteristics of the protagonist by contrasting them with his own, which are the opposite.
However, as the story progresses, Jin Wang becomes even less similar to Wei-Chen, as he kisses Suzy and as he transforms into Danny. Jin Wang, therefore, not only contrasts with Wei-Chen, but is in open opposition to him. This makes Wei-Chen the antagonist.
1. Having a good framework for comparing the costs of PPPs and
public finance.
2. Incorporating PPP commitments in fiscal monitoring.
3. Improving the reporting of PPP commitments.
4. Strengthening procedural controls on PPP commitments.
5. Imposing substantive limits on PPP commitments.
When evaluating a source, a student should ask him/herself "does the source cite other sources as evidence?"
By asking this question, students are able to find the accuracy of the source. Accuracy is one of the 6 main criteria for evaluating sources - authority, accuracy, objectivity, currency, coverage, and appearance.
Explanation: i asked all my dinner guests to bring a specific dish because that was a good way to serve an easy meal