it has formed a parallel line
Parallel lines never intersect. Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect at a right (90 degrees) angle.
Answer: B
Explanation: B is showing how a farmer(Im going to assume) is giving treats/bigger meals to goats that are giving the most produce this choice reminded me of a dog getting treats if it does a good job.
Welfare of people and easier the life of common people.
The most significant benefits of small-scale development projects are the welfare of people and easier the life. The small-scale development projects include establishing new residential houses and maintenance of roads linking administrative divisions etc. These small scale development projects gives more advantage to common people and their daily routine activities. The most significant limitations of small-scale development projects are financial risk and high stress at the work.
here's your answer dear friend❤❤❤❤❤❤
În timpul unei eclipse de Lună, Pământul trece între Lună și Soare, determinând Pământul să-și arunce umbra asupra Lunii.
Veți observa că umbra pe care o produce este rotundă. Chiar dacă Pământul ar fi plat, dar în formă de disc, nu ar arunca nici acest gen de umbră. „Singura formă care poate produce o umbră curbată, indiferent din ce direcție este plasată lumina, este o sferă”, explică Thaller.