Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.".
c. Favor breaking up plantations to give farms to freedmen
Thaddeus stevens said this phrase in congress in 1866, he was a radical republican at the time, he advocated for punishment to the south, political, social and economic equality for the freedmen and would go after president johnson throught the impeachment process. He was also in Favor breaking up plantations to give farms to freedmen to send them forth to labor and humble the proud traitors (the south)
He vice president of the united states
He made the covenant with Abraham
Bloody Sunday; Workers' strikes; Unions
Under Czar Nicholas II, Russian laws banned Bloody Sunday and Workers' strikes. In addition, the czar’s guards opened fire at a peaceful demonstration of protestors, resulting in Unions.
Bloody Sunday is the birth of the uprising of first Russian revolution under Tsar Nicholas II which occurred on January 9, 1905, when some citizen participated in a peaceful protest to make their demands known to the Tsar but they were fired upon by the Imperial forces leading to killing and wounding of hundreds of people.
The monarchy had banned any unlawful gathering but the aftermath of bloody Sunday event leads to various upsring in Russia; strikes spread across the country, the majority of social classes rose against the Tsar leading to the creation of organized unions