protist- Amoebix dysentery
fungus- Histoplasmosis
virus- AIDs
D because trachea is the tube, bronchi is what splits into your lungs, bronchioles are what look like branches of the bronchi, and alveoli are the little air bags at the bottom of the smallest bronchioles.
Presented by Nora D. Volkow, M.D. Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse National Institutes of Health Department of Health and Human ServicesCongressional Caucus
Thank you for inviting the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency of the Department of Health and Human Services, to participate in this forum and contribute what I believe will be useful insight into the growing public health problem of prescription drug abuse in this country.
Introduction to the Problem
In 2009, 7 million Americans reported current (past month) nonmedical use * of prescription drugs—more than the number using cocaine, heroin, hallucinogens, and inhalants combined 1. National surveys show that the number of new abusers of several classes of prescription drugs increased markedly in the United States in the 1990s 2, continuing at high rates during the past decade—abuse of prescription drugs now ranks second (after marijuana) among illicit drug users 3. Perhaps even more disturbing, approximately 2.2 million Americans used pain relievers nonmedically for the first time in 2009 (initiates of marijuana use were 2.4 million).
Change in health care<span> is continual, </span>and plenty of<span> </span>the continuing<span> changes </span>lead to<span> corresponding modifications to </span>writing<span> and </span>asking<span> practices. Hospitals and </span>Dr.<span> offices cannot afford to relinquish any </span>applicable<span> payments, nor </span>will<span> they afford the penalties and potential risk </span>related to<span> inappropriate </span>writing<span> and </span>asking<span>. </span>we tend to<span> believe hospitals that dedicate </span>the required<span> time, energy, and resources </span>to confirm correct<span> and </span>applicable writing are<span> well positioned </span>to form the simplest<span> of the </span>unsure health care money setting<span>.</span>