Okay, as much as I love writing compare and contrast essays, I cannot write it for you. But, I can help you gather information and plan as well as revise your essay.
ABSOLUTELY. Discoveries come from mistakes. Think about it. If the inventor of a fridge didn't find out that his/her food spoiled, would we have a fridge? No, probably not. Mistakes cause discoveries, and we learn from mistakes.
My female hero is dragula her job as a hero is to aid in the stopping of the destruction of nature! Whenever she hears of a new demolition project in rainforest or large forests she’s quick to sabotage the project, either breaking machinery or scaring off the workers! This helps the wildlife and plants around us stay healthy and thrive! We need living things and killing them off at such a high rate will create a terrible end for our world!
introducing has a similar meaning to presenting