If Richard’s friend jumps in front of him and scares him, Richard’s sympathetic nervous system will take over and his parasympathetic nervous system will have a lesser role.
The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the activation of the flight/fight response. The extensive network of neurons regulates the involuntary processes of the body. Through the autonomic nervous system actions that occur without voluntary control are mediated. For example heart rate. The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems complement each other will working.
1.(A). Mia's best friend offers her a cigarette.
This is negative peer pressure because smoking is bad for you.
2. Connor's friends listen and say they understand as he explains that his parents are separating.
D- they were not treated for or told they had syphillis. Instead, researchers told the men that they were receiving free treatment for what they called “bad blood”. Around this time, penicillin was found to be a decent method of treatment for syphillis, but researchers instead treated the men with ointments and other methods that didn’t work.