Attacks from barbarian tribes outside of the empire such as the Visigoths, Huns, Franks, and Vandals. In 285 AD, Emperor Diocletian decided that the Roman Empire was too big to manage. He divided the Empire into two parts, the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire.
The tournament began in 1882 with the name of Four Nations (Home Unions), since only England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland participated. By contrast France joined the tournament in 1910, so the tournament went from being the Four Nations to the Five Nations.
The tournaments served to keep the knight in shape in times of peace, which was complemented by hunting, as well as collective training to improve combat techniques that would have to occur in war, especially after the generalization of the charge. frontal.
Mansa Musa establish Mali as a center of Muslim culture because:
C. He brought Muslim scholars, artists, and teachers to work in Mali.
He brought architects, merchants and scholars from other territories; and also embarked on a large building program, building universities, markets, libraries and mosques, establishing Mali as a reference of culture.
The Zimmerman telegraph, was a telegraph from Germany to Mexico proposing an alliance in which Germany would give the land that Mexico lost to the United States if the Mexican people would fight the United States and keep them out of the war
That was called the Roman Republic. consisting of two Consuls, elected yearly, a Senate, with a life term, and an assembly.