<h3> our time Technology has gone thought has evolution there's and hence has charge power Living Style significantly in today's area most people for using the largest technological advance get Gates to perform their daily life activities. </h3>
I just made this up, I'm not sure if it's what you meant, but ....
Thomas had warned me that winter ... he called out to me from the side of the frozen lake. "You're skating on thin ice!" I was too prideful to listen. I had been trying to win a bet. To make a long story short, I ended up six feet below the surface, as dead as a door nail.
Now, three months later, I sadly watch over my friend as he sets his own clothes on fire, with tears streaming down his face. I hear a child's voice some distance away saying, "Mommy says that where there's smoke there's fire!"
'They're too late ... Thomas is already going to be with me ... just a few more seconds,' I thought, smiling sadly. Changing someone's fate is easier said than done. He uttered a strangled cry, then fell to the ground, engulfed in flames.
One thing that I treasure in my culture is all the talent that we have. My culture shaped me to be my best." From the earliest days of American slavery in the 17th century, slave owners sought to exercise control over their slaves by attempting to strip them of their African culture. The physical isolation and societal marginalization of African slaves and, later, of their free progeny, however, facilitated the retention of significant elements of traditional culture among Africans in the New World generally, and in the United States in particular. Slave owners deliberately tried to repress independent political or cultural organization in order to deal with the many slave rebellions or acts of resistance that took place in the United States, Brazil, Haiti, and the Dutch Guyanas."