from 1820 to 1860, 1,956,557 Irish arrived, 75% of these after the great irish famine of 1845–1852, struck
the answer is "D" but im really sorry if wrong hope it helps you
Marx encabeza el Manifiesto Comunista con una tesis tajante: el motor de la historia es la lucha de clase. Y lo hace porque esta es la tesis fundamental del marxismo, la que le da su carácter revolucionario y ordena y jerarquiza todos su cuerpo teório
Solve for one of the variables first ,, then whatever answer you receive from x or y , you then begin to plug it in to get other variable.
Answer:How is Tunisia developing human resources to meet future needs? It is spending 15% of its budget on education. Describe how oil affects the economies of each of the North African countries discussed in this chapter. Morocco and Tunisia do not have enough oil to make up a large portion of their exports.