Standard precautions
N-95 tuberculosis standard
Blood-borne pathogen standard
Resource Conservation and Recovery Act - requires labeling, storage, transportation, and disposal of biological waste according to fedral standards. .-.
The excessive alcohol consumption of the mother.
Alcohol consumption during pregnancy harms the developing baby, the foetus. This is because alcohol passes from the mother's blood to the baby's blood and this affects the growth of the baby's cell.
This causes severe damage to the cells of the brain and the spinal cord.
FASD - Fetal Alcohol Spectrums Disorder is characterised by growth and developmental problems and it can range from mild to severe.
Example is the baby having small head, narrow eye and behavioural problems later in life.
Blank #1 is myosin
Blank #2 is actin filaments
I believe option B would be the correct choice because, without a catalyst, the reaction will be either too slow or will not happen at all as it would not acquire a fitting activation energy for the reaction.
If you would like to know why the other options are incorrect, please read on:
Option A is incorrect because since proteins are specific in nature, so other protein cannot be replaced, for some other chemical reaction.
Option C is not correct it is a genetic defect that the protein does not form, and all cells are genetically identical, a reaction cannot take place in any parts of the body.
And finally, option D would be wrong because if a forward reaction does not take place, a backwards reaction will not occur.
I hope this answer has helped, and I apologise if somehow this answer finds itself to be incorrect. Good luck on your quiz or homework. :)
Option C
In G2 phase (third phase of interphase) of cell division, following the S phase. It is during the S phase of the cell division during which the DNA of the cell replicates. Hence, in the G2 has double the DNA range as compared to the DNA range in prior stages of interphase. Also, in G2 phase cell grows and protein synthesize
Option C is correct