Están escribiendo is the answer
Answer: I’ll translate first and then answer the questions
Explanation: ¿Qué tipo de música te gusta escuchar?¿Son tus gustos similares a los que escuchan la gente que conoces? Si no, ¿qué tipo de música es el más popular entre las personas que conoces?
Normalmente escucho pop (<—insert your music type there), aunque a veces también escucho country (<— you can change that type of music as well). No me influencia el tipo de música que escuchan mis conocidos, ya que, ellos escuchan más bien rap (<— music type) y a mi no me gusta mucho
Translation of what I just wrote: Normally I listen to pop music, even tough sometimes I also listen to country. I’m not influenced by the type of music that my acquaintances listen, because, they mostly listen to rap and and I don’t like it at all
There is a sympathetic guy named Ramon. Ramon is intelligent, artistic and good looking. He always likes helping his friends, whenever they have a problem they speak to Ramon. One day, a girl named Ana speaks to him and says. “Ramon help” she says. “I don’t speak Spanish and, I am going to receive an F in Mrs.Dora’s class.” Ramon doesn’t need to help Ana but he is very sympathetic and he wants to help her. Ramon says, “I’ll help you, Ana, we can study together. You’re going to be speaking Spanish very well.” In a few days, Ana received a B grade. It wasn’t an A but it is much better than an F. Ana is very happy.