In my opinion, sharcropping did not really help free slaves, and was a tiny bit better than slavery.
Former slaves who were sharecroppers had abusive landlords, who charged them into debt. The only way to pay this debt was to work, and seldom did sharecroppers ever get out of debt.
g. defined the U.S. border, with great britain
Article III of the Constitution describes the structure of the judicial branch.
The American Revolution showed the benefit of home field advantage if you are willing to undertake atypical warfare.
In short, the revolution showed that the colonists knew the land that they were on, knew which locals supported them, and knew how to supply and get around the more professional British army.
The main objective of the Anti-federalists was avoid the establishment of the president because they thought that a centralized power could degenerate into a monarchy. Although the Anti-federalists could not avoid the approval of a new constitution, this effort was not completely in vain. Anti-federalism thus became an influential group among the founding fathers of the United States. With the approval of the constitution and the bill of rights, the anti-federalists were exhausted. They were succeeded by members of the anti-administration party, which opposed the fiscal and foreign policy of George Washington.