urban heat island
Urban heat island -
It is the area in the urban or rural land , whose temperature is higher than the others , which is typically due to the human activities , is known as urban heat island .
This area is created due to pollution , burning of fossil fuels , usage of excessive air conditioners , smoke generated from factories etc.
In these areas , the air quality reduces due to increased pollutants , and disturbs the natural ecosystem of the Earth .
If a country is not able to produce some goods, it has to buy them somewhere else and bring them into the country - this is called importing, so the correct answer is b.
Selling goods outside of the country is called exporting and giving them away would be called donating.
The first dictator of the Roman empire was Titus Lartius Flavus and he was appointed in 501 BC.
The answer is - The Root Node
The Phylogenetic tree shows the relationship between different organisms and their path of evolution through time. It is a graphical representation that links organisms from a common ancestor down to their different descendants. The most recent common ancestor of all the taxa or organisms on a phylogenetic tree is represented by a root node as it is the very first parent or node.