Per Yngve Ohlin was a Swedish metal musician on a band called DEAD who had a spleen ruptured after being beaten up by bullies he was dead for a second but lived again. He is important because he inspired the corpse painting for the genre. I think that he was a great guy and that it was amazing that he survived a spleen rupture.
Both Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque known for utilizing and refining cubism, a style involving breaking parts into geometric shapes in paintings.
The carvings found spiraling the column depict the events of the Dacian Wars, which are incredibly accurate according to scholars. The carving and the gilded statue of the emperor on top serve to document the past, as a history book does, and also to commemorate a great time in Roman History.
It's a nod to the flowers and plants springing up, springing open, and bursting into blossom.