D. Olduvai Gorge
- From 1935 to 1959, Louis and Mary worked hard in several excavations in Kenya and Tanzania, looking for the remains of early humans. Although they encountered many difficulties, both because of the dangerous and inaccessible terrain and the scarce postwar scientific foundations.
- However, the real breakthrough came in 1959, when one morning in the Olduvai Gorge - a region separating the famous National Park from Tanzania's more famous Serengeti National Park - Mary discovered a 1.75 million-year-old hominid skull, later classified as Parantropus boisei.
- This finding was a strong argument that hominids evolved in Africa.
Learn more on Louis and Mary Leakey on
Unless you have some classified the answer is no. United Stated and Russia are not in an official Cyber War, although I would not be surprised if we would soon find out they are going at one another through those means.
the minimum amount of gallons of gas he will need is 20 gallons and would cost him $60
600 miles ÷ 30 miles = 20
20×3=60 therefore it costs $60
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Mexico is directly south of the United States