When Columbus stumbled upon the Americas, he and his crew were carrying numerous diseases, including smallpox, which killed 50% - 90% of the Native people's population.
Hi there!
Here are some examples of Enviormental resources:
#1 Coal
#2 Gold
#3 Gas
#4 Iron
#5 Copper
#6 Petroleum
Hope this helps you!
~DL ☆☆☆
Note, Telangana is known to be an area whose climate is usually semi-arid, that is, it is an area that is dry and receives some small amount of rain.
Thus, plants in the Telangana region would usually possess the following adaptive features;
- ability to survive under extreme heat
- growing longer roots than normal in other to find water in the soil
- efficient water conservation especially in their stems.
I believe some are mushrooms