The Missouri Compromise, "The Compromise of 1850", and "The Kansas-Nebraska Act" 1854
The Missouri Compromise was for maintaining a balance between "Free states and slave states" in the Union.Accordingly, Missouri was acknowledged as a "slave state", Maine was acknowledged as a free state, and slavery was not allowed in Louisiana Territory territory North of 36°30' but within the borders of the Missouristate.
The Compromise of 1850 was essential to ascertain if slavery would be permitted in states formed from the territory got from Mexico during the "Mexican-American War". California was acknowledged as a free state, while the "Territory of New Mexico" permitted slavery. The Compromise also comprised a measure forbidding the slave trade (however not slavery as such) within the Columbia District and a new and more powerful Fugitive Slave Law
The Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 created the "territories of Nebraska and Kansas" and stipulated that people of these territories would elect to as certain if the 2 territories would permit slavery. This led to violence between "anti-slavery and" pro-slavery proponents who moved to these territories.
The evolution of Income Tax has taken many forms and still influences us today even as many people still want to change the Income Tax.
This is because they make a lot of money from their check and paying the Income Tax would greatly reduce the money they have for other expenditure which are really important to them.
A lot of people are against the Income Tax because the more money you make, the more the government collects
This has been a subject of hot debate as people continue to groan under the strain of the hydra-headed monster that is Income Tax.
C, D, E (last three)
Good evening, I believe it's the final three options you listed! You're always free to fact-check though!
A. While Lady Roosevelt was against lynching, Edward Costigan and Robert F. Wagner passed the bill.
B. Alice Paul wrote the Equal Rights Amendment.
C. Roosevelt received many death threats and even a bounty over her head by the Klu Klux Klan.
D. From 1935-1962, Roosevelt wrote a column in the newspaper called "My Day".
E. She was able to get funding or 'She-She-She', a sister organization to the CCC.
Local Assemblies
The Colonists were enraged by the idea that the British Parliament overseas was choosing for them what they paid for. They wanted to decide for themselves which taxes they had to pay or have a representative in the parliament. The famous quote they used for this was "No taxation without representation"